Thursday, May 06, 2004

Water Fight!!

I remember living in GUAM. Hot days were pretty much the norm, hot days or hot and wet days. It was not unusual for waterfights to spontaneously break out. Waterfights were much more involved there than any of the waterfights I have been part of here. Water hoses were used, buckets, rooftop attacks weren't uncommon (if you can manage to get the water up there), saturated pillows became bombs and indoors were not off-limits.
I got home early today and was watering the front lawn when I saw some of the kids in the neighborhood having a little waterfight with their water guns and water grenades. The ones who were running out of water too quickly had to keep running towards the garden hose and were sitting ducks for the others who still had ammo. Some of them ran over to me for a quick refill. I told them they shouldn't waste their time on the "puny" water guns they were using and get a real water gun. This is where my friends usually roll their eyes, because they know I am about to get involved...
I went inside and came out with this...

and this...

Mouths dropped, tongues drooled and the rest ran for cover...
The arms race just began for the summer games...

Song of the Day: "Ghost Of A Chance" by RUSH


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