Friday, December 19, 2008

Prayers for Anicia

The family received news that cousin Yani's ex-wife, Anicia had suffered a stroke and is in a coma since early November. No one had anymore information than that and it was spotty at best.

I was finally able to get in touch with Yani in the Philippines and he was able to tell me that Anicia had moved from hawaii to Northern California to be closer to her family there. I just received an email from Yani Letting me know of a blogsite started by Anicia's family and friend to let everyone updated on Anicia's condition.

Anicia Updates

Yani was able to tell me that Anicia had suffered massive bleeding on the left side of her brain. As if that was not enough, she developed some complications in the form of high fever and pneumonia. A drain had to be placed in her brain due to swelling. She regained consciousness right after Thanksgiving and on December 1st, she was able to breathe on her own. She was taken out of ICU and placed in a semi-private room on the 7th.

She is improving but it will be a long road to recovery. Please keep her in your prayers.


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