Wednesday, February 18, 2004

Afghanistan?! What about Downtown?

Someone was showing me a flyer for "Help Stop Gender Discrimination in Afghanistan". Let's just say my reaction to the flyer wasn't too nice. Don't get me wrong, I am all for stopping most types of discrimination anywhere and everywhere. I put this person on the defensive by launching a bunch of questions (now I would call them "attacks") on something she believed in supporting. Questions like, "So, there is no gender discrimination here in the USA?" "How can change be affected there by a group of people here, who can't even affect the same change here?"
I know what I did was not nice. But I really have a problem with the whole "let's fix this or that problem" in other countries when the same problems exist here in this country. I am all for helping our neighbors when disaster strikes, if for the only reasons are that we can or that we should.

Song of the Day: "My Sacrifice" by Creed


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