Saturday, February 07, 2004

The article headline says, "Woman Gets Back Wallet After 40 Years"

I can sort of relate with this lady. I have a "boomerang wallet" myself though it did not take 40 years for it to come back. But it does keep coming back.
The first time I had lost the wallet was at a restaurant in San Gabriel called Shau Mays, actually I had lost/dropped it in the parking lot in the back as I was getting out of the car. I thought I had just left it at home and went on in with my friends. I didn't not have any plans to go anywhere that weekend so I didn't really think about it until the following Monday. Luckily, I did not have any credit cards in the wallet and the only thing I needed to replace was my driver's license and I was going to do that Wednesday after work. When I got home, I recieved a package in the mail and it was my wallet. The person found it in the parking lot and mailed it to the address on my license. Everything was still in the wallet including the money I had in it ($60) minus $2 the cost of sending it to me. All there was a note telling me where the person found it and how much it cost to send it back. The person did not give a name or a return address.
The second time I had lost it was at a bar in Fullerton. I guess it feel out of my back pocket (again!) and fell under the table. It wasn't until Sunday afternoon that I realized it was missing. I knew that I must have lost it at the bar or the parking lot (again!) and went back the next day. Nothing! Monday afternoon, I get a call from a friend saying that someone called her saying that he has my wallet. I had her business card in my wallet and it was the only phone number in the wallet. So after a short game of phone tag I got in touch with the person who found my wallet and Iwas able to get it back, intact. That was when the wallet was dubbed the "boomerang wallet".

Song of the Day: "Girls and Boys" by Good Charlotte


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