Monday, February 23, 2004

What A Morning!

I didn't get a lot of sleep last night. I was so upset over the hit and run that I couldn't sleep. I'm sure I was able to get some sleep but not a lot. I remember bouts of just staring into the ceiling, listening to the wind and rain outside. All I know is that I saw the alarm clock readout go to 5:30 to set off the alarm. *groan*

I got ready for work and left the house. I was still venting a bit from last night and thought maybe a good breakfast would help me put some of this anger aside. I went to Spires near work and got a newspaper... Didn't work. Still fuming!

Then I got to work and parked the car and this happened...

Picture A Picture B

God is good... sooo good.

Song of the Day: "Come Clean" by Hillary Duff