Kauai: Last day
The last thing on the wedding agenda is the Sunday brunch for those who can wake up the day after the wedding. Before the brunch Celia, Jim and I went to the Spouting Horn Blowhole to check it out. People were saying that it is "better" than the blowhole in Oahu. Many travel brochures say that it is the "most photographed spot in the island". Fortunately, there weren't many photographers when we got there. There was a family trying to get a picture of the blowhole... uh, blowing. The son was waiting to take a picture while mom and dad were trying to hold their smile, also waiting for a geyser to shoot out. The father kept giving directions and all the son could do was say,"It isn't doing anything!" Everytime he would lower the camera to tell his dad to keep still, a geyser would shoot up and he would miss the opportunity. It was amusing for the first couple of times. After a while everyone who has been waiting to take their own pictures were mentally making odds as to how long they would keep trying.
Here's my first time at bat...

The whole time on the island, we noticed that there are a LOT of chickens roaming around. Everywhere there were chickens. We found that they run wild on the island. Celia said she heard that a hurricane once hit the island and that's how they got loose and they just flourished, though the guy at the gift shop had a very lame story that I will not even repeat.
At one point while driving around Jim yelled out, "Why!!!!" We cracked up when we realized he was yelling at a chicken that had just crossed the road. Good one Jim.

Before we left for Hawaii, Celia, Jim and I went to the Hilo Hattie store at the Block for Aloha Wear for the wedding. We figured we would get 3 shirts (one for the rehearsal, wedding and the brunch). Somehow we got it in our heads to find a really LOUD one.
Maria with bookends. We ended up looking like tour guides...

Looking to put in one more "sight" before we left for Oahu, we headed to check out the Menehune (Alekoko) Fishpond near the airport. It is not very well marked. In fact, the whole time in Kauai, we've found a peculiar thing about how things are marked as far as signs pointing out points of interest. I rode with my cousin George and his family after the rehearsal to Poipu Beach. We had missed the turn into the beach and had to turn around (after going on a fair distance). There was only one sign pointing showing the direction to the beach coming the other way. So I guess you can only get to the beach from one direction. If you were coming from the Grand Hyatt, you can't get there from here... Anyway, here is mom and dad at the fishpond...

At the airport, they teased me with this plane...

But this is what we used... darn!

I would definitely recommend Kauai as a place to visit. It was my first time here and there were more than a few things I did not get a chance to see and do. Next time!
Here's my first time at bat...

The whole time on the island, we noticed that there are a LOT of chickens roaming around. Everywhere there were chickens. We found that they run wild on the island. Celia said she heard that a hurricane once hit the island and that's how they got loose and they just flourished, though the guy at the gift shop had a very lame story that I will not even repeat.
At one point while driving around Jim yelled out, "Why!!!!" We cracked up when we realized he was yelling at a chicken that had just crossed the road. Good one Jim.

Before we left for Hawaii, Celia, Jim and I went to the Hilo Hattie store at the Block for Aloha Wear for the wedding. We figured we would get 3 shirts (one for the rehearsal, wedding and the brunch). Somehow we got it in our heads to find a really LOUD one.
Maria with bookends. We ended up looking like tour guides...

Looking to put in one more "sight" before we left for Oahu, we headed to check out the Menehune (Alekoko) Fishpond near the airport. It is not very well marked. In fact, the whole time in Kauai, we've found a peculiar thing about how things are marked as far as signs pointing out points of interest. I rode with my cousin George and his family after the rehearsal to Poipu Beach. We had missed the turn into the beach and had to turn around (after going on a fair distance). There was only one sign pointing showing the direction to the beach coming the other way. So I guess you can only get to the beach from one direction. If you were coming from the Grand Hyatt, you can't get there from here... Anyway, here is mom and dad at the fishpond...

At the airport, they teased me with this plane...

But this is what we used... darn!

I would definitely recommend Kauai as a place to visit. It was my first time here and there were more than a few things I did not get a chance to see and do. Next time!
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