Monday, July 16, 2007

Grunion Hunting Part II: Newport Beach

Ruth missed out on the first grunion hunt we had so she scheduled one Sunday night at Newport Beach. She and her friend sponsor Chimese students for the summer and she wanted them to experience this part of American culture. Unfortunately, the grunions were very sparse. In fact, we saw a total of 3 grunions, all caught by other people.
When we first got to the beach, there were a few people at the water hunting.
GrunionNewport (1)

Towards the pier there were not a lot of people.
GrunionNewport (2)

After a while, there were only a few "die hards"...
GrunionNewport (3)

GrunionNewport (4)

It was so disappointing that we just decided to just walk along the pier. Once we got there, we learned that it was closed up at midnight!
GrunionNewport (5)

GrunionNewport (6)

Oh well, it was like the first hunt, but it was still fun.


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